Educational Information for understanding Ocean Safety and Awareness.

Southern Exposure is committed to providing educational information and sessions to ensure that those who participate with us have a great understanding of Ocean Safety and Awareness.
Our goal is to educate as many people as possible and provide them with understanding of what hazards to look out for when out enjoying out beaches. Giving them the confidence to identify rips and currents so that they can safely enjoy our beaches.
Our aim is to reduce fatalities and injuries that too often in Australia.

Ocean Safety and Awareness Commitment


What is a Rip?

A rip is a very strong and narrow current that pulls out to the sea.

It’s nearly impossible to fight against a strong rip – it can pull you away from the beach at the speed of 1 to 2 metres per second!

Rips are the number one hazard on Australian beaches. When swimming it is important to avoid rips - this can be done by swimming at a patrolled beach between the red and yellow flags.

How to identify a rip:

  • Deeper and/or darker water

  • Fewer breaking waves

  • Sandy coloured water extending beyond the surf zone

  • Debris or seaweed

  • Significant water movement

Sometimes it can be easier to look for where the waves are breaking consistently, and then look to each side where they don’t break consistently. Where they don’t break consistently, these areas are rip currents.

Question: Who uses a rip?
Answer: Experienced Surfers
They use that rip current to get out to the bigger waves.

vIDEO: Rip Current education